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la jolla led light therapy model sitting sitting at the beach



Step into the realm of LED light therapy, where a wonderful range of benefits await across a diverse spectrum, each tailored to address your specific skin care needs.

Delve into the skin with the comforting embrace of the most popular category, Red Light LED. Red Light Therapy has been clinically proven to boost collagen production and elasticity, helping to diminish fine lines and wrinkles, inviting a youthful radiance and improving overall skin quality.Blue light works its magic by targeting acne-causing bacteria with its potent antibacterial properties, unveiling a complexion of unparalleled clarity while banishing breakouts and inflammation. Next up is Green Light, a gentle spectrum that helps even your skin tone and diminish hyperpigmentation, helping to create a more smooth, even tone. Together, these spectrums of LED Therapy offer a holistic approach to skincare, providing a gentle, non-invasive, yet potent solution for an array of skin concerns. Embark on a journey of rejuvenating indulgence, and experience the power of LED Therapy as it unveils the radiant beauty within you.

la jolla led light therapy model wearing hat
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At VitaLab Wellness in La Jolla LED light therapy is a safe and gentle option for stimulating fat loss. It also improves elastin and collagen for improved aesthetic results when combined pre or post an array of other aesthetic treatments. However, if you are pregnant, have epilepsy, are taking medications that cause light sensitivity, or are currently taking steroids or cortisone injections, you should not undergo light therapy. To learn more about this treatment and if you are a good candidate, contact VitaLab today to schedule a consultation appointment.


During treatment, LED light therapy and/or MuscleTone technology will be applied to the treatment area, depending on your individual goals. Sessions take about 30 minutes – fat is emulsified into triglyceride in the first 18 minutes and the remaining time tightens collagen and stimulates healing. Typically, it takes 8-10 sessions to get significant and long-lasting results. Treatments are best done 2-3X/week. After your series of treatments, consider a maintenance program of at least monthly sessions.


While there is no downtime required following your treatment, with LED light therapy La Jolla patients have some steps that they should take to ensure the best possible results. You will want to wear a compression garment for at least 4 hours after your treatment. Also, be sure to take the vitamin supplements consistently, as they help your liver metabolize the triglycerides (fats) that are released by the light and ensure optimal fat burning. Lastly, follow Dr. Oberg’s intermittent fasting detox diet plan.

la jolla led light therapy models wearing blue swim suits


For more information regarding LED light therapy and how it can help you achieve your weight loss goals contact VitaLab today! Located in the La Jolla, CA, we are dedicated to providing quality, effective, and natural-looking results to each of our patients.


la jolla led light therapy model jogging

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